The Results of karyotype analysis and 22q11.2 (DiGeorge Syndrome critical region) deletion investigation in fetal cardiac system anomalies
Karyotype Analysis and 22q11.2 (DiGeorge Syndrome critical region) Deletion
DiGeorge Syndrome, Fetal Anomalies, karyotype, trisomy, 22q11.2 Deletion SyndromeAbstract
The results of karyotype analysis and 22q11.2 ( DiGeorge Syndrome critical region) deletion investigation in fetal cardiac system anomalies
Objective: We aimed to determine the presence of accompanying chromosomal anomalies and 22q11.2 deletion in patients with cardiac system anomalies.
Material and Methods: In our retrospective and cross-sectional study, 99 fetuses born with cardiac anomalies were evaluated in terms of chromosomal anomalies. 36 fetuses were evaluated for 22q11.2 deletion. Fetuses who were diagnosed with prenatal congenital heart defect and underwent invasive prenatal diagnostic tests for fetal karyotyping between 01.01.2010 and 30.06.2017 at a tertiary cancer center were included in the study.
Results: Of 99 cases, 48 (48.4%) had only cardiac anomalies and 51 (51.5%) had non-cardiac anomalies. Chromosomal anomalies were found in 37 (37.4%) of the cases. Autosomal trisomy 18(43.2%) and autosomal trisomy 21(32.4%) were the most common chromosomal anomalies. The study results support the strong association of chromosomal changes and cardiac malformation, especially in septal defects, atrioventricular septal defects, and conotruncal malformations. Deletion was detected in one(2.8%) of 36 cases evaluated for 22q11.2 deletion. The fetus with this deletion had isolated tetralogy of fallot and had no extracardiac anomaly.
Conclusion: In cases with cardiac anomalies, isolated or accompanied by extracardiac anomalies, investigations should be made in terms of underlying chromosomal diseases in the perinatal evaluation. In addition, the investigation of 22q11.2 deletion in fetuses with conotruncal cardiac anomalies should be included in prenatal genetic examination.
Keywords: DiGeorge Syndrome, Fetal Anomalies, karyotype, trisomy, 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zübeyde Emiralioğlu Çakır, Atalay Ekin, Altuğ Koç, Yaşar Bekir Kutbay, İlker Çakır, Muzaffer Sancı

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