Immunolocalization of FOXP3, JAK1 and STAT5 in Preeclamptic, Intrauterine Growth Restricted and Gestational Diabetic Human Placentas
preeclampsia, intrauterin growth restriction, gestational diabetes mellitus, FOXP3, JAK1 and STAT5 receptorsAbstract
Objective: The aim of the study to show the relation of T cells in placental villous fragments with FOXP3,JAK1 and STAT5 receptors in different conditions such as GDM, PE and IUGR placental tissues.
Methods: Specimens of ten(10) diabetic placentas, ten(10) preeclamptic, ten(10) intrauterine growth restricted placentas and ten(10) control placentas were collected by systematic uniform random sampling. Immunohistochemical detections of FOXP3, JAK1 and STAT5 were performed in histological sections for each group’s placental tissue. The H-score value was derived for each specimen by calculating the sum of the percentage of syncytiotrophoblast and syncytial nodes in placenta and intervillus area. They were categorized by intensity of staining, multiplied by its respective score.
Results: FOXP3, JAK1 and STAT5 immunoreactivity comparisons are shown in four groups of placentas. FOXP3 immunoreactions significantly increase in GDM group. JAK1 and STAT5 immunoreactions significantly decrease in PE group. STAT5 immunoreactivity was detected crucially increase in GDM group.
Discussion: The results showed that in different conditions such as PE,GDM and IUGR, T cells in placental villous fragments have relation with FOXP3,JAK1 and STAT5 receptors and that FOXP3 can inactivate the PE and IUGR in the placental tissue. We have also confirmed as other studies that JAK-STAT pathway plays important role in PE,IUGR and GDM placental tissue.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Volkan Emirdar, Gulcin Ekizceli , Yagmur Dilber , Sevinc Inan , Muzaffer Sanci

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