How the nitric oxide and antioxidant enzymes work in the placental tissues of pregnant women with COVID 19 disease?




pregnant, Covid19, placenta tissue, blood plasma


Objective: The aim of this study to examine the oxidative stress parameters in placental tissues and blood plasmas of pregnant women.

Materials and Methods: The biochemical parameters were examined in 37 pregnant women with covid disease, 37 pregnant women who had covid, and 37 healthy pregnant women. The amounts of lipid peroxidation (LPO), glutathione (GSH),  nitric oxide (NOx) and catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activities were measured in each tissue and blood plasma.

Results:The LPO levels increased in the pregnant woman who has had covid 19 compared with healthy pregnant. Likewise, the LPO levels increased in pregnant women who were negative at the time of delivery. While the amount of glutathione was high in healthy placental tissues, it was found to be quite low in covid 19 positive tissues. While the enzyme activities of SOD and NOx are quite high in placental tissues of healthy pregnant women, they are significantly low in covid positive and negative pregnant tissues. While the CAT enzymes activities, another antioxidant enzyme, was at a very low level in healthy placental tissues compared to SOD enzyme, it was significantly increased in positive pregnant placental tissues.

Conclusion: The antioxidant enzyme activities and amounts show significant differences between groups in placental tissues. The changes in enzyme rates in placental tissues are proportional to blood plasma results.




How to Cite

Aydin Berktas O, Tutar SO, Gulec Peker EG, Kaya C. How the nitric oxide and antioxidant enzymes work in the placental tissues of pregnant women with COVID 19 disease?. Aegean J Obstet Gynecol [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4(2):26-30. Available from: